Will the Real Owner of Backsberg Please Stand up?

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6 Responses

  1. Piet Maritz says:

    I love this – I am not a teetotalor, but don’t know wine so well. I do know roasted potatoes!

    I wish more employers would understand this, though. I really have trouble with service levels at so many companies. And when I complain, it is always the workers. And now we see what can happen in the same environment with the same workers. It is not the workers – its the leaders!

    • johanhburger says:

      How does the saying go, “any friend of Batman is a friend of mine.” So if you love roasted potatoes, let’s chat!

      I agree with you. If the employees of an organisation is at fault, it is always a good question to ask who is to thank for that. Who appointed them, educated and developed them, drove the development of the culture?

  2. Marius Ungerer says:

    Hallo Johan
    Congratulations with this new way of communications!
    On Backsberg – I accept that they are greate. On a comparative basis, are they bettter than other owner and professional managed wine farms? Beyerskloof, Spier and a host others? Performance is allways relative to the players in the market.

    • johanhburger says:

      Thanks for the feedback Marius. In principle I agree with you that performance is relative. You have to agree, however, that 70% plus of organisations struggle to survive or implement strategy. Here we have a wine estate that is doing well financially, and is selling good wine. In addiiton, they have a culture that is worth emulating. This will remain the case, irrespective how well other wine companies are doing. They have also complemented their core business model of creating and marketing great wine, with adjacencies in the form of the restaurant, additional crops in the form of black berries, figs and pomegranates, a conference centre, a wedding venue, and providing a venue for entertainment. I can’t help it, I just like what they are doing, and how they are doing it!

      Of course there are other estates that do well. I can name quite a few. On the other hand, I also know of quite a few that we might remember for all the wrong reasons, and quite a lot that we will not remember at all.

  1. May 11, 2010

    […] http://johanhburger.com/2010/05/04/will-the-real-owner-of-backsberg-please-stand-up/ var a2a_config = a2a_config || {}; a2a_config.linkname="Is the Captain or the Engineer more Important?"; a2a_config.linkurl="http://theblueroof.co.za/2010/05/11/is-the-captain-or-the-engineer-more-important/"; 0 Comments […]

  2. December 8, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bohoparadox and Woman of Wines, Praekelt Foundation. Praekelt Foundation said: Will the Real Owner of Backsberg Please Stand up? http://t.co/H7E1kSJ (via @johanhburger) Well done, @simonback! […]