Sharing Your Knowledge No Longer a Nice-to-Do

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12 Responses

  1. Louw Burger says:

    Hoarding your seed leads to rot and loss. Planting the seed multiplies it and produces a bigger harvest, over and over. A farmer perspective. Knowledge should also be viewed in this light. Good blog. Well done!

  2. johanhburger says:

    Thanks – appreciate the candor. I try and not be prescriptive, and try and raise issues. However, you have a valid point – I could have left some ideas as to what I think we need to do as managers who actually earn our keep, even if it was only as a summary.

  3. johanhburger says:

    Thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked it.

  4. This weblog is superior it has got the entire points i sought after to speak about, it has fulfilled my wisdom, i just appreciated this weblog and that i wish to subscribe so can you please inform while your blog gets up to date and what?s the procedure to subscribe in details.

    • johanhburger says:

      Hi Jeniffer, there is a link to subscribe on the blog itself. Check the top right corner for the link to ‘Email subscription.” Also, at the bottom of the posting, there is a link to “Read Full Post.” This gives you the ability to comment, and tweet, and “like it.” Hope you manage. Regards.

  5. johanhburger says:

    Spoke to Clive Trent the other day, the man from Backsberg. He made the following comment: “If you do not share, you grow yourself, if at all. If you share, you grow the community.”

  6. Of course, what a great site and informative posts, I will add backlink – bookmark this site? Regards,

  7. this post is very usefull thx!

  8. Sarabjeet says:

    Liked the article 🙂
    But sir, i had a question, should we share our knowledge? If yes, then with whom?
    Question arised because their is a chance of getting our ideas stolen by people who are in capable of thinking but capable of copying.

    • johanhburger says:

      I gather you are speaking of proprietary knowledge when it is used to run/grow a business. Obviously in these cases you do not share. It is like asking Coca Cola to share their recipe or their insights into their market segments with the likes of Pepsi. But you need to differentiate between knowledge that is necessary for running the company, and knowledge that is available for general consumption.

  9. I so agree with you about sharing and not hoarding knowledge. I am glad you mention Chris Howard, who is a friend of mine, as I find his honesty and openness amazing. He has recently written a piece in The courage to Love which you can read at Male eXperience.

  1. January 5, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marinus van den Berg, Johan Burger. Johan Burger said: "Smart Leaders Don’t Just Learn, They Teach." Also read on same topic. […]