Teach, Coach & Consult Blog

Trends in Africa: 2016

2016 has been a year of turmoil for some African countries, while others experienced stability and good economic growth. One reason for the downside phenomenon is the slowdown of China’s economic growth due to...

Africa’s TFTA: An Exercise in Economic Integration

Introduction The Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) was launched on 10 June 2015 in Egypt when the representatives of 26 governments accepted the tenets of the free trade area. This created the largest free-trade...

African Trends 2015

Africa is a huge continent, consisting of 55 countries, an even larger number of ecologies, and too many languages and cultures to count. It has roughly the same surface as that of the moon,...

Lessons from SONA 2015

A friend of mine, Willem van Huysteen, wrote the following Facebook post to his daughters in Afrikaans. The relevance of his post for all of us really struck me. Even if we do not...

Business Lessons from The Bakery Boss

The context is one where Buddy, an expert in the field of the culinary art, advises failing bakeries on how to turn around their businesses. They apparently apply for help when their businesses are...

Leaders have Charisma

Why talk about something such as charisma? Is this not that magical competence reserved for those few of society who were born as these flamboyant leaders? I think not. After reflecting on the situation...

What does it say about us?

I had the privilege to facilitate a programme for a group of senior executives from Mauritius and France the past week. We had the opportunity to listen to a group of prominent South Africans...

My letter to Anorexia

My youngest daughter battled/still battles with anorexia.  In 2010 she was admitted to a clinic to help her deal with it.  This is a letter she has written to Anna (anorexia), the inspiration for...

Take a Knee

I recently had the chance to view “After Earth”, in which Will Smith and his son play the major roles. The first time it was great to watch and I did so whilst doing...