Tagged: self-development

Leaders have Charisma

Why talk about something such as charisma? Is this not that magical competence reserved for those few of society who were born as these flamboyant leaders? I think not. After reflecting on the situation...

The Growth Imperative

I  recently had a chat with a few friends about how life passes us by at a rate which is tremendous.  And the older we get, the faster time passes us by.  The factor...

Put Up …or Shut Up!

My brother phoned me a while ago and asked me about the progress of my PhD. When I answered him that I was exactly where I was in March 2008, he told me that...

Your behaviour tends to define you

I had to put together a business programme for a foreign business school from Europe.  They had asked me to arrange a visit to a specific company and suggested one of their alumni (let’s...