- Revolution. Christo Nel.
- Transformation without Sacrifice. Christo Nel.
- Leadership Mystique. Manfred Kets de Vries.
- Leadership on the Couch. Manfred Kets de Vries
- Organisations on the Couch. Manfred Kets de Vries.
- Leadership Pipeline. Drotter, et al.
- A Company of Leaders. Quinn, et al.
- Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness. Peter Koestenbaum.
- The Leadership Challenge. Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner.
- The Business General – Transform your Business using Seven Secrets of Military Success. Deborah Tom and Brig Richard Barrons.
Organisational Culture and Values
- Diagnosing & Changing Org Culture. Cameron & Quinn.
- The Speed of Trust. Steven M.R. Covey.
- Building a Values-Driven organisation. Richard Barrett.
- Managing by Values. Ken Blanchard and Michael O’Connor.
Business Models
- Business Model Generation. Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur.
- Getting to Plan B. John Mullins & Randy Komisar.
- The Profit Zone. Slywotsky and Morrison.
- Leading the Revolution. Gary Hamel.
- Open Business Models. Henry Chesbrough.
General Management
- Unleashing the Idea-virus. Seth Godin. Get the e-book free at http://www.sethgodin.com/ideavirus/downloads/IdeaVirusReadandShare.pdf
- Purple Cow. Seth Godin.
- The Big Moo. Seth Godin.
- Linchpin. Seth Godin.
- Small is the new big. Seth Godin.
- All Marketers are Liars. Seth Godin.
- The Power of Pull. John Hagel, John Seely Brown, & Lang Davison.
- The Fifth Discipline. Peter Senge.
- The Tipping Point. Malcolm Gladwell.
- Blink. Malcolm Gladwell.
- Outliers. Malcolm Gladwell.
- What the Bleep do we know. Arntz, et al.
- Requisite Organisation. Elliotte Jaques.
- The Long Tail. Chris Anderson.
Change Management
- Deep Change. Robert E Quinn
- Change the World. Robert E Quinn
- Building the Bridge as You Walk on It. Robert E. Quinn.
- The Change Handbook. Peggy Holman, Tom Devane and Steven Cady.
- Change Management Excellence. Sarah Cook, Steve Macauly and Hilary Coldicott.
Spirituality and Integralness
- Presence. Senge, Jaworski, Scharmer & Flowers
- Theory U. Otto Scharmer.
- Solving Tough Problems. Adam Kahane.
- Spiritual Capital. Zohar & Marshall.
- SQ. Zohar & Marshall.
- Working with Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman.
- Primal Leaders. Daniel Goleman, et al.
- For your own good. Alice Miller.
- The Drama of being a Child. Alice Miller.
- Boomeritis. Ken Wilber.
- The Power of Now. Eckardt Tolle.
- Man’s Search for Meaning. Victor Frankl.
- The Art of Possibility. Zander and Zander.
- The Brain that Changes Itself. Norman Doidge.
- Five Minds for the Future. Howard Gardner.
- Power & Love. Adam Kahane.
- Viable Business Strategies. Marius Ungerer.
- Blue Ocean Strategy. Chan and Mauborgne.
- A Dream with a Deadline. Horovitz et al.
- The Upside. Adrian J. Slywostky.
- The Retail Value Chain. Sami Finnie and Hanna Sivonen.
Business Excellence
- Rethink. A Business Manifesto for Cutting Costs and Boosting Innovation. Ric Merrifield.
- Built to Last. Collins & Porras.
- Good to Great. Jim Collins.
- How the Mighty Fall. Jim Collins.
- Thriving on Chaos. Tom Peters.
- Liberation Management. Tom Peters.
- The Little Big Things. Tom Peters.
- Re-imagine. Tom Peters.
- Hot Spots. Lynda Gratton.
- The Art of the Start. Guy Kawasaki.
- Crush It! Gary Vaynerchuk.
- Competing on Analytics. Thomas Davenport.
- Analytics at Work. Thomas Davenport.
- No More Excuses: The Five Accountabilities. Sam Silverstein.
Marketing Management
- The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding. Al Ries.
- Kellogg on Branding.
- The Brand Mindset. Duane Knapp.
- Build a Brand in 30 Days. Simon Middleton.
- Eating the Big Fish. Adam Morgan.