Books to Read


  1. Revolution. Christo Nel.
  2. Transformation without Sacrifice. Christo Nel.
  3. Leadership Mystique. Manfred Kets de Vries.
  4. Leadership on the Couch. Manfred Kets de Vries
  5. Organisations on the Couch.  Manfred Kets de Vries.
  6. Leadership Pipeline. Drotter, et al.
  7. A Company of Leaders. Quinn, et al.
  8. Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness.  Peter Koestenbaum.
  9. The Leadership Challenge. Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner.
  10. The Business General – Transform your Business using Seven Secrets of Military Success.  Deborah Tom and Brig Richard Barrons.

Organisational Culture and Values

  1. Diagnosing & Changing Org Culture. Cameron & Quinn.
  2. The Speed of Trust. Steven M.R. Covey.
  3. Building a Values-Driven organisation. Richard Barrett.
  4. Managing by Values.  Ken Blanchard and Michael O’Connor.

Business Models

  1. Business Model Generation. Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur.
  2. Getting to Plan B. John Mullins & Randy Komisar.
  3. The Profit Zone. Slywotsky and Morrison.
  4. Leading the Revolution. Gary Hamel.
  5. Open Business Models. Henry Chesbrough.

General Management

  1. Unleashing the Idea-virus. Seth Godin. Get the e-book free at
  2. Purple Cow. Seth Godin.
  3. The Big Moo. Seth Godin.
  4. Linchpin. Seth Godin.
  5. Small is the new big. Seth Godin.
  6. All Marketers are Liars.  Seth Godin.
  7. The Power of Pull. John Hagel, John Seely Brown, & Lang Davison.
  8. The Fifth Discipline. Peter Senge.
  9. The Tipping Point. Malcolm Gladwell.
  10. Blink.  Malcolm Gladwell.
  11. Outliers. Malcolm Gladwell.
  12. What the Bleep do we know.  Arntz, et al.
  13. Requisite Organisation. Elliotte Jaques.
  14. The Long Tail.  Chris Anderson.

Change Management

  1. Deep Change. Robert E Quinn
  2. Change the World.  Robert E Quinn
  3. Building the Bridge as You Walk on It. Robert E. Quinn.
  4. The Change Handbook.  Peggy Holman, Tom Devane and Steven Cady.
  5. Change Management Excellence.  Sarah Cook, Steve Macauly and Hilary Coldicott.

Spirituality and Integralness

  1. Presence. Senge, Jaworski, Scharmer & Flowers
  2. Theory U. Otto Scharmer.
  3. Solving Tough Problems. Adam Kahane.
  4. Spiritual Capital. Zohar & Marshall.
  5. SQ. Zohar & Marshall.
  6. Working with Emotional Intelligence.  Daniel Goleman.
  7. Primal Leaders. Daniel Goleman, et al.
  8. For your own good. Alice Miller.
  9. The Drama of being a Child. Alice Miller.
  10. Boomeritis. Ken Wilber.
  11. The Power of Now.  Eckardt Tolle.
  12. Man’s Search for Meaning. Victor Frankl.
  13. The Art of Possibility. Zander and Zander.
  14. The Brain that Changes Itself.  Norman Doidge.
  15. Five Minds for the Future.  Howard Gardner.
  16. Power & Love.  Adam Kahane.


  1. Viable Business Strategies. Marius Ungerer.
  2. Blue Ocean Strategy. Chan and Mauborgne.
  3. A Dream with a Deadline. Horovitz et al.
  4. The Upside.  Adrian J. Slywostky.
  5. The Retail Value Chain.  Sami Finnie and Hanna Sivonen.

Business Excellence

  1. Rethink. A Business Manifesto for Cutting Costs and Boosting Innovation. Ric Merrifield.
  2. Built to Last. Collins & Porras.
  3. Good to Great. Jim Collins.
  4. How the Mighty Fall. Jim Collins.
  5. Thriving on Chaos. Tom Peters.
  6. Liberation Management. Tom Peters.
  7. The Little Big Things. Tom Peters.
  8. Re-imagine. Tom Peters.
  9. Hot Spots. Lynda Gratton.
  10. The Art of the Start. Guy Kawasaki.
  11. Crush It! Gary Vaynerchuk.
  12. Competing on Analytics.  Thomas Davenport.
  13. Analytics at Work.  Thomas Davenport.
  14. No More Excuses: The Five Accountabilities.  Sam Silverstein.

Marketing Management

  1. The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding.  Al Ries.
  2. Kellogg on Branding.
  3. The Brand Mindset. Duane Knapp.
  4. Build a Brand in 30 Days. Simon Middleton.
  5. Eating the Big Fish. Adam Morgan.

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